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The I-Zone

Kids Drawing

So, this section of the website is for the kids. 


It is divided up into Primary and Secondary to make it easier for you to decide what level of challenge you want.


On these pages you'll find games and activities and websites that you can undertake as part of your home learning programme. 


(If you have found any websites or activities that you have enjoyed and would like to share them with your home educated friends then send me an email: - and I can add them to this website and you may get a mention!!)


Our 'Onward Journey' Page is for our 14+ friends. Use the information on these pages to start thinking about and planning your next steps, whether that's exams, college, apprenticeships or work experience. 


The Celebrations page is for us all to celebrate the achievements you gain during the time you are educated at home. I have been working with home educated families for many years and I have seen some remarkable things in that time, so, by sharing your achievements you may inspire others ! Your achievements don't have to just be awards gained, they can also be fantastic experiences or days out, you may have finally mastered division or created a magnificent piece of art or design.


What ever your achievement lets celebrate it ! You can do this by sending in photographs of work or of your days out or a short description of your achievement to (Please make sure that you have your parents permission to send in any photos, especially if you feature in them as without it we wont be able to publish your pictures)


Lastly we have the Health and Well-being page. Here you will find links to other websites that will help you to explore and understand your own health and well-being. There is also information on who to talk to if you need to share information about yourself.




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